Donate to the Gold Foundation

Join the Gold Foundation in ensuring humanism in healthcare for all.

We invite you to support kind, trusted, safe healthcare, which benefits both patients and clinicians. Your tax-deductible contribution helps us continue the movement that Drs. Arnold P. Gold and Sandra Gold began.

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. For questions, please contact Director of Development Kerry Richardson-Ford at

Share your story. Why do you give to humanism in healthcare?

The Arnold P. Gold Foundation State Nonprofit Disclosure

If you have any trouble making your contribution or if you have any questions, please call Kerry Ford, Director of Development, direct at 201-735-8722 or email her at

To include the Gold Foundation in your estate or will, and create a legacy of supporting humanism in healthcare for future generations, please contact Major Gifts and Planned Giving Officer Pia Pyne Miller at